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Sisterhood and Entrepreneurship:

Arien Agurs, owner of Oomph Boutique(Left), and Chemise Marion(Right)

The 1st annual Women’s Conference: Goals, Passion, and Action was held on November 14, at the 330 Monday Building on 1200 East Morehead Street.

The founder of the seminar, Chamiese Marion, welcomed a crowd of about 25 women, ranging from the ages of 25 - 50 to participate in her interactive event, where she allowed women to talk about what they wanted to accomplish in life. Women spoke boldly by expressing their fears, failures and triumphs.

“I started this event because I wanted to see my sisters get together. We should talk about our goals and passions, but also making action behind that.” says Marion.

“I definitely feel it’s important to not only think we can do something, but to actually accomplish it, and to do that you have to be in a room with people who are doing it. It’s a great opportunity to bring sisters who share those same goals together.” she said.

Marion is a fulltime interactive manager at the 330 Monday Exhibit where she handles marketing as well as communications support.

Using her knowledge of communication, Marion was able to create an event that allowed women to share stories of how they started their business, and maintained their businesses.

Her philosophy is that women should help to uplift each other and help promote one another by coming together as sisters in the movement.

Marion wants to reach as many women as she can so that she can help them achieve their goals.

“I foresee us getting 500 women because there are more than 5000 women in the Charlotte area that want to share and work together.” she said.

Marion said that although it’s the first Women’s Conference, it surely won’t be the last. “I like the humble beginnings only because we are really planning to support each other. In the next year, I see us having a women’s conference, I see us running a marathon together, and I see us supporting each other’s business. Maybe doing another event in July, and definitely in October.” she said.

The Facebook page is fairly new: Charlotte Women’s Conference

Website for 330 Monday:

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