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Alex Morton, Self-made Multi-millionaire & Business Momentum Catalyst

Double XXposure Media Relations

Alex Morton is a true milliennial leader who earned success in network marketing, real estate and developed companies earning over seven-plus-figure incomes in the United States and over 30 countries around the world, entrepreneur Alex Morton has built a powerful brand which is focusing helping others achieve great success - all before turning 30 this past October.

The creator of the best-selling audio book, "Dorm Room To Millionaire", this business leader launched The Alex Morton Mindset, for those who want to have financial freedom. Alex inspires those to create larger goals to achieve greater successes. He shares his life experiences - the hard work, the ups and the downs, the builds and the rebuilds - to work with people from all walks of life to not only prioritize their goals, but to be centered in gratitude. Alex has been featured in Forbes, Rolling Stone, Elite Daily and hosted a successful motivational conference with real estate entrepreneur Grant Carbone.

My life's mission is to build the leaders of tomorrow - to tell the truth about the secrets to success so anyone who hears them can accomplish anything they want in their lives. This level of success creates a ripple effect, and in turn, change the world for the better.

I am fired up and excited to share with you the best strategies, principles, mindsets, and tactics to help you go from where you are to where you are destined to be.

A Multi-Millionaire by Age 30.

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