Moms of Black Boys United for Social Change, Inc. (M.O.B.B. United for Social Change), an online community of nearly 200,000 mothers with 15 local chapters nationwide is committed to advocating for fair and just treatment of Black boys and men in American society. We continue to stand in solidarity with the chorus of voices calling for immediate and widespread reform of the broken criminal justice and policing system. We are pleased to hear that charges have been upgraded to second degree murder for the principal assailant, Derek Chauvin, in the murder of unarmed citizen George Floyd and have now also been filed against the remaining three officers involved for aiding and abetting a murder. We are also grateful that civil rights charges have been filed by the Minnesota Department of Human Rights against the Minneapolis Police Department in relation to the death of George Floyd. Additionally, we support the department’s investigation into the Minneapolis Police Department. We applaud Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison for the decisive actions he has taken to further the pursuit of justice for the Floyd family. We must now work to ensure that these charges result in convictions that reassure every citizen that systematic discriminatory practices and reform in the criminal justice system are being addressed. “We acknowledge that charges have now been filed against all four officers involved in the horrific murder of George Floyd,” said M.O.B.B. United for Social Change Founder Depelsha McGruder. “But this isn’t the first time we’ve witnessed a murder in broad daylight on video and expected swift justice -- only to later be sorely disappointed. We are hopeful that this case will bring real punishment and accountability to these officers who showed no regard for Mr. Floyd’s life in the form of convictions and stiff sentencing.”
#ProtectThem by demanding immediate action to further our goal of achieving reform in policing and the criminal justice system.
We urge you to join us in continuing to make our voices heard by contacting the following local officials with these further demands:
Demand that Governor Tim Walz, Police Chief Medaria Arradondo and Mayor Jacob Frey continue to work against the culture of racism and police brutality in Minnesota by putting firm policies and practices in place to end it. These include:
Prohibiting or banning excessive use of force tactics such as chokeholds and neck restraints in the arrest of unarmed suspects.
Any officer involved in an encounter with an unarmed citizen must be accountable to the police use of force rules as set forth in its applicable continuum of escalation. Loss of life resulting in such encounters should result in officer being arrested for excessive use of force within 72 hours of the incident.
An independent investigation of officer-involved fatalities should be conducted by the state's Attorney General's office in conjunction with the Civilian Review board.
More stringent review, oversight and punishment for officers with multiple complaints; officers terminated for misconduct should be unable to work in any professional law enforcement capacity.
Leadership must take a clear stand in enforcing the rules and guidelines set forth for proper conduct within the police force and provide transparency in reporting of all officer-involved fatalities to put an end to this abuse of power.

Stacey Abrams and Moms Of Black Boys United Founder,
Depelsha Thomas McGruder in Washington, DC

Moms Of Black Boys United Demonstrating on behalf of Eric Garner in New York City

Moms Of Black Boys United Peacefully Protesting in New York City

Moms of Black Boys United Members at
United States Senator, Kamala Harris' Office

Center Stage at Essence Fest 2019 with Moms of Black Boys United Executive Director, Vanessa McCullers and Yusef Salaam, Raymond Santana, and Corey Wise of the Exonerated 5

Sonya Marchand, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Vanessa McCullers, and Depelsha McGruderat Essence Fest 2017
